Availability Search
The table below describes the elements present in a request along with details around their implementation. Please take special note of required fields.
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Required | Element Description |
availabilityRequest | availabilityRequest | Group | Yes | XML Header |
availabilityRequest | cancelpolicy | Attribute | Yes | Set to ‘Y’ to have cancellation policies included in the output. |
availabilityRequest | hotelcontent | Attribute | No | Static Data in XML Responses - optional (V1, V2) see change log below. |
availabilityRequest | hotelfees | Attribute | No | Set to ‘Y’ to have hotel fees included in the response. |
availabilityRequest | Control | Group | Yes | |
Control | username | Element | Yes | The username assigned to you |
Control | password | Element | Yes | The password assigned to you |
availabilityRequest | checkIn | Element | Yes | Guest Arrival Date (DD-MMM-YYYY) |
availabilityRequest | checkout | Element | Yes | Guest Departure Date (DD-MMM-YYYY) |
availabilityRequest | noOfRooms | Element | Yes | Number of rooms requested. |
availabilityRequest | noOfNights | Element | Yes | Number of nights to be searched. |
availabilityRequest | Country | Element | No | Country Code provided by Bonotel. |
availabilityRequest | State | Element | No | State Code provided by Bonotel. |
availabilityRequest | City | Element | No | City Code provided by Bonotel. |
availabilityRequest | hotelCodes | Group | Yes | List of hotel codes to be searched. |
hotelCodes | hotelCode | Element | Yes | Hotel code to be searched – one per hotelCode element. |
availabilityRequest | roomsInformation | Group | Yes | |
roomsInformation | roomInfo | Group | | Contains room information for all rooms selected. This will repeat up to the number of rooms. |
roomInfo | roomTypeId | Element | Yes | The room type id of the room selected. For all room types use "0". |
roomInfo | bedTypeId | Element | Yes | The bed type id of the room selected. For all bed types, use "0". This value correlates with occupancy and does not imply bedding. |
roomInfo | adultsNum | Element | Yes | Number of Adults per room |
roomInfo | childNum | Element | Yes | Number of Children per room. |
roomInfo | childAges | Group | No | If Children are provided, the ages of the children are repeated. |
childAges | childAge | Element | Yes | Each Child’s age. |
Legacy support is provided to allow for searching by Bonotel-defined city codes. However, customers are strongly encouraged to migrate to a multiple hotel code search based on standardized geographic definitions. We are planning on retiring support for city code searching by mid-2025.
Requesting hotel fees from your availability request requires one small addition to the root XML element, which is: hotelfees="Y". Our system will then return zero or more hotel fees per room in the following format. Here is the root element of availability request with the attribute for hotel fees:
<availabilityRequest cancelpolicy="Y" hotelfees="Y">
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
availabilityResponse | | Group | Yes | XML root element, The Availability response contains the available hotel list. |
availabilityResponse | Status | Attribute | Yes | Availability request was successful or not. Y or N. |
availabilityResponse | Errors | Group | No | |
Errors | Code | Element | No | Error code provided by Bonotel. |
Errors | description | Element | No | A message describing the error. |
availabilityResponse | hotelList | Group | Yes | List of available hotels. |
hotelList | Hotel | Group | Yes | |
Hotel | hotelCode | Element | Yes | Internal hotel code assigned by Bonotel. |
Hotel | Name | Element | Yes | Name of the Hotel. |
Hotel | Address | Element | Yes | Address |
Hotel | City | Element | Yes | City of the Hotel. |
Hotel | stateProvince | Element | No | If the hotel in USA, Canada or Australia |
Hotel | Country | Element | No | |
Hotel | postalCode | Element | No | Postal Code / Zip code. |
Hotel | rateCurrencyCode | Element | No | Currency Code |
Hotel | shortDescription | Element | No | Short Description, may contain HTML |
Hotel | starRating | Element | No | Star Rating – example: 4star |
Hotel | thumbNailUrl | Element | No | Thumbnail image URL of the hotel. |
Hotel | hotelUrl | Element | No | Retired element - Do Not Use |
Hotel | maintenance | Element | No | If any noteworthy maintenance applies, a description about the maintenance is included. |
Hotel | bookingPolicy | Element | No | Retired element - Do Not Use |
Hotel | roomInformation | Group | Yes | List of available rooms. |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
roomInformation | roomNo | Element | Yes | The room occupancy number that matches the request’s occupancy. E.g. If this room can accommodate the first rooms occupancy set sent via the request then the roomNo will be "1". |
roomInformation | roomCode | Element | Yes | An internal code assigned for this room by Bonotel. This is a unique code for the room with a certain combination of roomTypeCode and bedTypeCode. This is of type numeric. |
roomInformation | roomTypeCode | Element | Yes | An internal code assigned for this room type by Bonotel. This is of type numeric |
roomInformation | roomType | Element | Yes | The room type description. E.g. "King Room". |
roomInformation | roomDescription | Element | Yes | Element is NULL – we do not have this content to provide. |
roomInformation | bedTypeCode | Element | Yes | The bed type code. This is of type numeric. |
roomInformation | bedType | Element | Yes | The bed type description. E.g. "Double" – this value correlates to occupancy and does not imply bedding. |
roomInformation | stdAdults | Element | No | Standard no of adults that can be accommodated in this room. |
roomInformation | promotionCode | Element | No | If any promotions apply, that promotion code or description. e.g. 3rd Night Free |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Required | Element Description |
roomInformation | confirmationType | Element | Yes | Always CON for confirmed – no longer supporting on request |
roomInformation | confirmationConditions | Group | No | Modification limitations - no longer supporting modifications via the API. |
confirmationConditions | Condition | Element | No | Text string for the type – see below listing of descriptions – for example: no modification of stay period |
Condition | Type | Attribute | No | Possible values: "NM-SP" : no modification of stay period "NM-AR" : no modification of add room "NM-CR" : no modification of change room "NM-GD" : no modification of guest detail |
Condition | Value | Attribute | No | N/A |
roomInformation | roomBookingPolicy | Group | No | Information of applicable policies per room. Only be returned if cancelpolicy="Y" was in the root XML element of your request |
roomInformation | policyFrom | Element | No | Do not use – we use this to select the policy to serve. |
roomInformation | policyTo | Element | No | Do not use – we use this to select the policy to serve. |
roomInformation | amendmentType | Element | No | The type of the amendment which the policy is setup for (either it’s a modification policy "Modify" or a cancelation policy "Cancel") |
roomInformation | policyBasedOn | Element | No | Not necessary to use, we provide the total cancel fee in policyFee. |
roomInformation | policyBasedOnValue | Element | No | Not necessary to use, we provide the total cancel fee in policyFee. |
roomInformation | stayDateRequirement | Element | No | Do not use – we use this to select the policy to serve. |
roomInformation | arrivalRange | Element | No | To be used with arrivalRangeValue and the check-in date of the booking to identify the start date of the cancel policy. Possible values: ‘Less Than’ or ‘ANY’ |
roomInformation | arrivalRangeValue | Element | No | To be used with arrivalRange. This is the number of nights before the check-in, defining when the cancel policy will apply. When arrivalRange is ANY, arrivalRangeValue will be 0 – which means the policy applies on any date, even the date of booking. |
roomInformation | policyFee | Element | No | Calculated cancellation Fee under the policy. |
roomInformation | noShowBasedOn | Element | No | Not necessary to use, we provide the total cancel fee in noShowPolicyFee. |
roomInformation | noShowBasedOnValue | Element | No | Not necessary to use, we provide the total cancel fee in noShowPolicyFee. |
roomInformation | noShowPolicyFee | Element | No | Calculated no show fee under the policy |
roomInformation | rateInformation | Group | Yes | |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
rateInformation | ratePlanCode | Element | Yes | The rate plan code. This is of type numeric. |
rateInformation | ratePlan | Element | Yes | The rate plan name. |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Yes | Element Description |
rateInformation | avarageRate | Element | | |
rateInformation | totalRate | Element | Yes | Total rate for this room including taxes. |
rateInformation | dailyRates | Group | Yes | |
dailyRates | nightlyRate | Group | Yes | Each night’s rate for this room including taxes. |
nightlyRate | Date | Attribute | Yes | The date which the rate is applicable to. |
nightlyRate | dailyCondition | Attribute | Yes | Always blank. |
nightlyRate | stdAdultRate | Element | Yes | The standard adult rate (including taxes) for this night for this room. |
nightlyRate | additionalAdultRate | Element | No | The additional adult rate (including taxes) for this night for this room if any. |
nightlyRate | Total | Element | Yes | Nightly total for this room (including taxes). |
nightlyRate | rateCode | Element | No | Rate Code for the rate. This is a specific code assigned by Bonotel. |
rateInformation | taxInformation | Group | Yes | |
taxInformation | Tax | Group | Yes | Tax applied to the total rate. |
Tax | taxName | Attribute | Yes | Name of the specific tax applied. |
Tax | taxAmount | Element | Yes | Value of the tax applied. |
| hotelFees | Group | No | Grouping of all hotel fees for a given room |
hotelFees | hotelFee | Group | No | Each hotel fee is within a hotelFee group |
hotelFee | feeType | Element | No | There can be 0 or more hotelFee elements regardless of feeType. Values = Amenity, Cleaning, National Park Entrance, Resort, Security Deposit |
hotelFee | feeMethod | Element | No | Values = Inclusive, Exclusive |
hotelFee | requiredFee | Element | No | Values = Yes, No |
hotelFee | feeAssign | Element | No | Values = Per Person, Per Room |
hotelFee | feeFrequency | Element | No | Values = Per Stay, Per Night |
hotelFee | feeBasedOn | Element | No | Values = PER, VAL (for percent, value) |
hotelFee | feeBasedOnValue | Element | No | Decimal value: 00.00 |
hotelFee | salesTax | Element | No | If sales tax is included, the tax rate is listed. |
hotelFee | conditions | Element | No | String - payment or fee conditions. Max length = 100 char |
hotelFee | feeTotal | Element | No | Decimal value: 00.00 – the total fee as based on the fee rules |
- Hotel Fees are returned per room.
- Each room can have zero or more hotel fees regardless of the fee type. Some resort fees may be taxes sent by the hotel along with their dynamic rates.
- The Hotel Fees are located here in our availability response:
Below is a sample of the hotel fees elements that we return. In this case we are returning a resort fee that is required and exclusive for a total of $32.48 for the stay for the room it is listed under. We recommend only extracting and using the bold elements:
Assume an availability request was made for the City of Las Vegas (CY191), arrival on 12/01/2023, for a 2-night stay. The response demonstrates the XML that would be returned to the client if the request were only for a single hotel – where <hotelCode> is 1413.