This interface is used to confirm a reservation. Please note that rates and inventory may change between the availability response and reservation confirmation stages. In such a situation the system would return an appropriate response message.
The table below describes the elements present in a request along with details around their implementation. Please take special note of required fields.
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
reservationRequest | reservationRequest | Group | Yes | |
reservationRequest | control | Group | Yes | |
Control | userName | Element | Yes | The user identifier assigned. This is the unique ID given to you by Bonotel. |
Control | passWord | Element | Yes | The password assigned. This is the unique password given to you by Bonotel. |
reservationRequest | reservationDetails | Group | Yes | |
reservationDetails | timeStamp | Attribute | Yes | The current time stamp of the request. (yyyyMMddThh:mm:ss) |
reservationDetails | confirmationType | Element | Yes | Always CON |
reservationDetails | tourOperatorOrderNumber | Element | Yes | Reference number of the tour operator booking. Maximum length: 100 characters. No special characters |
reservationDetails | checkIn | Element | Yes | Check in date. |
reservationDetails | checkOut | Element | Yes | Check out date. |
reservationDetails | noOfRooms | Element | Yes | No of rooms booked. |
reservationDetails | noOfNights | Element | Yes | No of Nights booked. |
reservationDetails | hotelCode | Element | Yes | The selected hotel code. |
reservationDetails | total | Element | Yes | The total value of this reservation. (including taxes) |
Total | currency | Attribute | Yes | The currency of the total reservation. Always USD. |
reservationRequest | totalTax | Element | Yes | The total tax associated with the reservation. Always 0.00 tax is included with the rates. |
totalTax | currency | Element | Yes | The currency of the Tax. |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
reservationRequest | roomData | Group | Yes | The room’s details, this should be repeated up to the no of rooms. |
roomData | roomNo | Element | Yes | The room no. selected. |
roomData | roomCode | Element | Yes | The room code assigned by Bonotel. |
roomData | roomTypeCode | Element | Yes | Room type code. |
roomData | bedTypeCode | Element | Yes | Bed type code. |
roomData | ratePlanCode | Element | Yes | Rate plan code. |
roomData | noOfAdults | Element | Yes | No of adults for this room. |
roomData | noOfChildren | Element | Yes | No of children for this room. |
roomData | occupancy | Group | Yes | Occupancy details are wrapped with in this group. |
Occupancy | guest | Group | Yes | Occupancy group for this room. Note that the no of adults and children should be represented by this occupancy. |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
Guest | title | Element | Yes | Title of the guest, applicable only for Adults List of Titles: List of Titles: ["Dr.", "Prof.", "Mstr.", "Mr.", "Miss.", "Ms.", "Mrs.", "Mr/Mrs."] |
Guest | firstName | Element | Yes | First name of the guest. Number of characters should be equal or less than 100. Primary guest name is required. ‘TBA’ and single letter names are not accepted. |
Guest | lastName | Element | Yes | Last name of the guest. Number of characters should be equal or less than 100. Primary guest name is required. ‘TBA’ and single letter names are not accepted. |
Guest | age | Element | No | Age of the guest. Applicable only for children. This should not be sent in case of an adult. Hotels have different child age cutoffs, but all are less than 18. Do not send an age for any occupant provided as an Adult in the noOfAdults element in Room Data section. |
reservationRequest | comment | Group | Yes | |
Comment | hotel | Element | Yes | Any comments for internal use. Do not enter special requests for the hotel. Leave blank when there are no comments. |
Comment | customer | Element | Yes | Any comments/special requests to be sent to the hotel. Leave blank when there are no comments. NOTE: some hotels do not accept special requests. We recommend to send this element closed with no value. |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
reservationResponse | reservationResponse | Group | Yes | |
reservationResponse | status | Attribute | Yes | Status of the reservation. Valid values are Y – Reservation processed successfully. N – Reservation was unsuccessful. |
reservationResponse | errors | Group | No | |
Errors | code | Element | No | An internal error code provided by Bonotel. |
Errors | description | Element | No | A message describing the error. |
reservationResponse | referenceNo | Element | Yes | Your booking confirmation number. |
reservationResponse | roomReferenceDetails | Group | No | Room wise Reference Details |
roomReferenceDetails | roomReferenceNo | Element | No | Reference no of the room |
roomReferenceNo | roomNo | Attribute | No | Room no of the room |