The lookup method allows users to retrieve details of a specific reservation by passing in a reservation reference number.

Element Group | Element Name | Type | Required | Element Description |
lookupReservationRequest | lookupReservationRequest | Group | YES |  |
lookupReservationRequest | timestamp | Attribute | YES | The current timestamp. (YYYYMMDDThh🇲🇲ss) |
lookupReservationRequest | version | Attribute | NO | Optional, but must exist and be set to 2 in order to see the V2 output. |
lookupReservationRequest | control | Group | YES |  |
control | userName | Element | YES | Your username. |
control | passWord | Element | YES | Your password. |
lookupReservationRequest | referenceNo | Element | YES | Bonotel reference # |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
lookupReservationResponse | lookupReservationResponse | Group | YES |  |
lookupReservationResponse | status | Attribute | YES | Status of the response. Valid values are Y – Reservation lookup processed successfully. N – Reservation lookup error. |
reservationDetails | reservationDetails | Group | YES |  |
reservationDetails | referenceNo | Element | YES | Internal reference no sent by Bonotel at the time of booking. |
reservationDetails | hotelConfirmation | Element | YES | The hotel’s confirmation number |
reservationDetails | tourOperatorName | Element | YES | Tour operator name. |
reservationDetails | tourOperatorOrderNumber | Element | YES | Reference number of the tour operator booking. |
reservationDetails | hotelCode | Group | YES | Internal hotel code of the booking. |
reservationDetails | hotelName | Attribute | YES | Name of the Hotel. |
reservationDetails | reservationSource | Element | YES | Booking channel which booking has made. Xml - Via XML interface Call center - Via Bonotel Call center Web - Via Bonotel website |
reservationDetails | reservationStatus | Element | YES | Current status of the booking. Normal - booking remains unchanged. Modified - booking has been modified by Bonotel. Cancelled - booking has been cancelled. |
reservationDetails | cancellationInfo | Group | YES | Cancellation information |
cancellationInfo | cancellationNo | Element | YES | Cancellation no |
cancellationInfo | cancellationFee | Element | YES | Applied cancellation fee |
reservationDetails | confirmationType | Element | YES | Status notifying whether this is "CON" – Confirm "REQ" - On Request. |
reservationDetails | reservationDate | Element | YES | The date of the booking. |
reservationDetails | checkIn | Element | YES | Check in date. |
reservationDetails | checkOut | Element | YES | Check out date. |
reservationDetails | noOfRooms | Element | YES | No of rooms booked. |
reservationDetails | noOfNights | Element | YES | No of Nights booked. |
reservationDetails | totalNoOfAdults | Attribute | YES | Total number of adults for the booking. |
reservationDetails | totalNoOfChildren | Element | YES | Total number of children for the booking. |
reservationDetails | total | Element | YES | The total value of this reservation. (including taxes) |
total | currency | Attribute | YES | The currency of the total reservation. |
reservationDetails | totalTax | Element | YES | The total tax associated with the reservation. |
totalTax | currency | Element | YES | The currency of the Tax. |
reservationDetails | roomData | Group | YES | The room’s details, this should be repeated up to the no of rooms. |
Element Group | Element Name | Type | Req. | Element Description |
roomData | roomNo | Element | YES | The room no. of the booking. |
roomData | roomResNo | Element | YES | The room ID assigned by Bonotel. |
roomData | roomCode | Element | YES | The room code assigned by Bonotel. |
roomData | roomType | Element | YES | The room type name of the booked room. |
roomData | roomTypeCode | Element | YES | The room type code of the booked room. |
roomData | bedType | Element | YES | The bed type name of the booked room. |
roomData | bedTypeCode | Element | YES | The bed type code of the booked room. |
roomData | ratePlan | Element | YES | The rate plan name of the booked room. |
roomData | ratePlanCode | Element | YES | The rate plan code of the booked room. |
roomData | noOfAdults | Element | YES | No of adults of the booked room. |
roomData | noOfChildren | Element | NO | No of children of the booked room. |
roomData | occupancy | Group | YES | Occupancy details are wrapped with in this group. |
occupancy | guest | Group | YES | Occupancy group of the booked room. Note that the no of adults and children should be represented by this occupancy. |
guest | title | Element | YES | Title of the guest, applicable only for Adults. List of titles: ["Dr.", "Prof.", "Mstr.", "Mr.", "Miss.", "Ms.", "Mrs.", "Mr/Mrs."] |
guest | firstName | Element | YES | First name of the guest. |
guest | lastName | Element | YES | Last name of the guest. |
reservationDetails | comment | Group | YES |  |
comment | customer | Element | NO | Any comments from the customer. |